Events at Muse Comics & Games
Pokemon Training Club
Come and train your Pokémon CCG skills!!! Meet other players from the Pokémon community!
MTG Casual Commander
CASUAL OPEN PLAY COMMANDER. Hang out, make friends and play at your discretion
RPG Game Master Council
Meet weekly with other RPG Game Masters.
Discuss how to host your own games.
MTG Legacy
Format: LEGACY Constructed
Structure: Swiss Round Points System
Star Wars Unlimited Premier Tournament
Constructed deck tournament
Timed rounds
Top player prizing
Bring your best 50 card deck and battle it out to win prizes!
MTG Academy Deck Building Clinic
*MAGIC THE GATHERING ACADEMY DECK BUILDING CLINIC* Want to build a new deck? Want to make your deck better? Want to learn how to play? Want to learn how to play better? Experienced players and staff on hand to help you! Mentor: promo pins available! Ask staff how to earn one! 😀 Time: 1:00pm […]
MTG Casual Commander
CASUAL OPEN PLAY COMMANDER. Hang out, make friends and play at your discretion
Warhammer Wednesday
EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING!! Build your models: Tools and glue provided! Paint your models: Brushes provided! Play any miniature games you prefer: tables and terrain provided! Killteam Boarding Action 40K Age of Sigmar War Cry Talk strategy and lore! Play league games and all things tabletop gaming! Build and/or paint our store terrain: All materials provided […]
Pokemon Training Club
Come and train your Pokémon CCG skills!!! Meet other players from the Pokémon community!
MTG Casual Commander
CASUAL OPEN PLAY COMMANDER. Hang out, make friends and play at your discretion