MTG Pre-Release Fate Reforged

Event Details

  • Date:


$26 per Flight

  • Each flight players will get a 6 booster pack Clan Pack to build a 40 card deck (we provide basic land).
  • Each Clan Pack  has 5 Boosters and 1 Limited Edition Date Stamped foil rare promo booster that contains cards of a particular color combination.  These promo’s can be played in your 40 card decks during each event!!!!
  • Swiss rounds will be played until a single undefeated player remains (or top 2 undefeated players draw & split)
  • Each round players will have 50 minutes to battle their opponent the best out-of-3 games, or until 1 player wins 2 games.
  • The player that defeats his opponent (2-0, or 2-1) each round gets 3 points and the loser gets 0.  Draws award 1 point to each player.
  • Win or lose players participate in each round until the event is over or a player wishes to drop from the event.
  • Booster packs of Fate Reforged will be awarded to the top 4 or 8 players* based on final point standings at the end of each event.

*2 boosters per participant during each flight is added to a prize pool.  The prize pool is awarded in cascading amounts to the top players of each event

Saturday Flights:

  • Midnight (Fri/Sat)–This event will only be 4 rounds. Prizes for this event will be 1 booster per match win.
  • Noon
  • 5:30pm
  • 9:00pm

Sunday Flights:

  • Noon
  • 5:00pm